Conceive Plus


I have just received a 3 month supply of conceive plus (I have bought them myself, I wasn't sent them by the company or anything).  I decided to buy the women's fertility pack of ovulation support and fertility support.   The ovulation tablets you have to take 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening with food and the fertility support you take 2 tablets in the morning.  Although when I have taken ovulation tests they have shown positive so I don't think I have a problem ovulating but I decided it was worth a try.   

I did a previous post on the fertilily products which have not worked for me, I also do not want to use the sperm cup anymore for the same reason as I am not using a menstrual cup at the moment - you can find out why in my last post. 

I have also taken fertility smart vitamins before but I didn't get any results from them, I did feel like my period was not as heavy so perhaps I needed to take it for longer.   I did take them for 3 months though and it was just too expensive to keep taking them, as for every delivery they were charging me 50 euros so I just felt I didn't want to pay that for shipping as most other products when you are spending more than 100 euro you will get free delivery.

So I will keep you updated if I notice any changes in my cycle or if (fingers crossed) I get a positive pregnancy test.   I will say I have been taking them for a couple of days and they are easy to swallow.  They don't really have a strong taste either so I will let you know after a month or two if I see any changes.  
